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From the Principal’s Office…..  This month is going to be “Spook”tacular, and truly kicks off the holiday season.  As we await the arrival of witches, ghost and goblins, we are finally seeing the weather starting to change, with that in mind please make sure your child has at least 3 changes of clothes in their cubbies that are weather appropriate.  We will start the month off with Fire Safety and the Intermediate and Pre-k children will be getting a visit from the fire department.   We will begin selling Boo Grams Oct. 12th until 26th.  They will be delivered to the children on October 28th.  Mark your calendars for October 30th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm we will be having our annual Fall Festival.

Finally, just a reminder I will be gone from October 16th through 23rd to attend the annual Nobel Learning’s Principal Conference.  If you need anything please speak to my assistant Ms. Robin or I will have limited email access so you can email me as well.


Nieva Gatbonton





FALL COOKING CLASS:  Ms. Esmeralda will be cooking up some yummy “Spook”tacular treats from October 19th through 23rd.  Please look for more information in your child’s sign in/out book as the time approaches.

FALL RAFFLE BASKETS:  Each year with donations from the school and our parents we put together to be raffled off.  If you would like to donate beginning October 5th please look on your child’s classroom door to see what basket they will be doing.  The raffle will take place on October 30th and you will be able to buy tickets starting October 19th.

FALL ART CLASS:  Back by popular demand Ms. Michaela will be doing a wonderful art class from Oct. 12th-16th.  The cost will be $30.00 for the week and on October 16th we will be displaying all of the wonderful art the children will be making in the front lobby.  Please look for more information as the day comes closer.

KIDS CAN FOOD DRIVE:  We are participating in the Kids Can Food Drive beginning October 12th.  All our donations will go to the Elk Grove Food Bank.  Last year we were able to donate over 300 cans of food.  This year our goal is 500!!  If we reach our goal we will have and ALL SCHOOL PIZZA PARTY.  Donations can be dropped off at the front office in the designated boxes.  This is the perfect opportunity to teach the children the importance of giving back.

TRICK OR TABLE:  We are looking for parent volunteers to decorate tri-fold boards and pass out treats on October 29th from 10:30 to 11:30.  Please let us know by October 16th and we will give you the tri- fold board.  The teachers will judge the boards and the winner will receive a special surprise.


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