“Though April showers may get in the way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May…” Let’s hope for lots and lots of flowers in May!
This month brings the Week of the Young Child (WOYC) to Merryhill! During the week of April 11-15, we have LOTS of special activities planned to celebrate our youngest learners. Monday is Character Day. Super Woman and Captain America will make a special appearance to our school! Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero, princess or fairy tale character. We’ll have Storybook Day on Tuesday. Pajamas are the dress of the day. Bring in a special book to share with your class. On Wednesday, Career Day, we are asking parents to come in and share their careers with our students. Get as silly as you would like for our Wacky Day on Thursday. A magical ventriloquist will be here to amaze and delight our students! Friday is Sports Day and we’ll participate in the St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon once again. This is a great way to help our students understand that not every child has been given the gift of good health and we have the ability to help those children.
Don’t forget about our Merryhill Ambassador program. Receive a one week’s tuition credit when you refer a friend or family member who enrolls in any Merryhill program. Please see Aubrey or me for more information regarding our referral program.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
- April 8 Savory Sweets Fundraiser Ends
- April 9 WOYC Minute to Win It Carnival
- April 11 Character Day
- April 12 Storybook/Pajama Day
- April 13 Career Day
- April 14 Wacky Day
- April 15 Sports Day – St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon
- April 27 Spring Picture Day
- April 29 Parent’s Night Out
- April 29 LTL Folders Go Home
From Our Education Department
Linking Learning with Nature
Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Now is a great time for children to explore these environmental changes happening in the world around them.
Not only are children curious about nature, but research shows that it has a profound influence on their problem solving skills, creativity, imagination and cognitive ability. Because of this, our teachers incorporate nature in all aspects of our Links to Learning curriculum.
Below are ways we connect learning with nature, as well as activities you can do with your child at home.
In the classroom: After reading a book about springtime, teachers bring children outdoors to explore and investigate objects in nature. The children have fun crumbling leaves, smelling flowers and looking at clouds.
At home: Take tummy time outdoors and allow your infant to explore different sights, sounds and textures. Encourage him to move and grab things by placing objects just beyond his reach. For toddlers, ask questions like, “Who made that chirping sound” or “Can you point to the flowers?”
Recommended reading: Wake Up! Wake Up! A Springtime Lift-the-Flap Book by Kathryn Davis, Welcome Spring by Little Scholastic
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginners read books about seasonal changes, then bring the story to life by going outdoors to find real-world examples.
At home: Help make your child aware of the seasonal changes going on around him. Talk a walk with him and ask questions such as “Why do we see flowers growing now?” or “What do flowers need in order to grow?” Encourage him to use his creativity when answering.
Recommended reading: Over in the Meadow by Olive Wadsworth, Mouse’s First Spring by Lauren Thompson
In the classroom: Students plant seeds in their school garden and learn about the importance of caring for them. Through this activity, they practice math skills such as measuring, sorting, counting and making predictions.
At home: Set up a bird feeder outside a window that your child can easily see. Let him help you fill it with birdfeed. As the birds come to eat, ask your child to talk about them. “What color are they?” “Are they big or small?” “What are they doing?”
Recommended reading: Little Seed by Eric Carle, Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Pre-K and Pre-K 2 students explore the sounds they hear in nature while playing outdoors. They then use recycled and natural materials, such as string and pine cones, to make their own wind chime.
At home: Reuse junk mail for a fun arts and crafts activity with your child. Encourage him to look through flyers and magazines to find words and pictures that he recognizes. Then, ask him to create a collage by cutting and gluing them to a piece of paper or poster board.
Recommended reading: And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano, About Springtime, Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
We provide many opportunities for our preschoolers to think creatively and imaginatively about the world around them. By setting this foundation, children build confidence in their own unique thoughts and maintain a thirst for learning as they enter elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
For Parents and Teachers
“Creating schools for the 21st century requires less time looking in the rearview mirror and more vision anticipating the road ahead.”
-George Lucas – American Filmmaker
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. Please talk to Sue or Aubrey for more information.
Product Recall Binder: As a courtesy to our families we have a Product Recall binder in the front office. We post recall notices for products that our children or their siblings might use. We hope you find this information helpful.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or connie.curiel@nlcinc.com.
April News
Message from the Principal:
Hello Rocklin Merryhill Families!
“Though April showers may get in the way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May…” Let’s hope for lots and lots of flowers in May!
This month brings the Week of the Young Child (WOYC) to Merryhill! During the week of April 11-15, we have LOTS of special activities planned to celebrate our youngest learners. Monday is Character Day. Super Woman and Captain America will make a special appearance to our school! Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero, princess or fairy tale character. We’ll have Storybook Day on Tuesday. Pajamas are the dress of the day. Bring in a special book to share with your class. On Wednesday, Career Day, we are asking parents to come in and share their careers with our students. Get as silly as you would like for our Wacky Day on Thursday. A magical ventriloquist will be here to amaze and delight our students! Friday is Sports Day and we’ll participate in the St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon once again. This is a great way to help our students understand that not every child has been given the gift of good health and we have the ability to help those children.
Don’t forget about our Merryhill Ambassador program. Receive a one week’s tuition credit when you refer a friend or family member who enrolls in any Merryhill program. Please see Aubrey or me for more information regarding our referral program.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
From Our Education Department
Linking Learning with Nature
Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Now is a great time for children to explore these environmental changes happening in the world around them.
Not only are children curious about nature, but research shows that it has a profound influence on their problem solving skills, creativity, imagination and cognitive ability. Because of this, our teachers incorporate nature in all aspects of our Links to Learning curriculum.
Below are ways we connect learning with nature, as well as activities you can do with your child at home.
In the classroom: After reading a book about springtime, teachers bring children outdoors to explore and investigate objects in nature. The children have fun crumbling leaves, smelling flowers and looking at clouds.
At home: Take tummy time outdoors and allow your infant to explore different sights, sounds and textures. Encourage him to move and grab things by placing objects just beyond his reach. For toddlers, ask questions like, “Who made that chirping sound” or “Can you point to the flowers?”
Recommended reading: Wake Up! Wake Up! A Springtime Lift-the-Flap Book by Kathryn Davis, Welcome Spring by Little Scholastic
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginners read books about seasonal changes, then bring the story to life by going outdoors to find real-world examples.
At home: Help make your child aware of the seasonal changes going on around him. Talk a walk with him and ask questions such as “Why do we see flowers growing now?” or “What do flowers need in order to grow?” Encourage him to use his creativity when answering.
Recommended reading: Over in the Meadow by Olive Wadsworth, Mouse’s First Spring by Lauren Thompson
In the classroom: Students plant seeds in their school garden and learn about the importance of caring for them. Through this activity, they practice math skills such as measuring, sorting, counting and making predictions.
At home: Set up a bird feeder outside a window that your child can easily see. Let him help you fill it with birdfeed. As the birds come to eat, ask your child to talk about them. “What color are they?” “Are they big or small?” “What are they doing?”
Recommended reading: Little Seed by Eric Carle, Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Pre-K and Pre-K 2 students explore the sounds they hear in nature while playing outdoors. They then use recycled and natural materials, such as string and pine cones, to make their own wind chime.
At home: Reuse junk mail for a fun arts and crafts activity with your child. Encourage him to look through flyers and magazines to find words and pictures that he recognizes. Then, ask him to create a collage by cutting and gluing them to a piece of paper or poster board.
Recommended reading: And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano, About Springtime, Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
We provide many opportunities for our preschoolers to think creatively and imaginatively about the world around them. By setting this foundation, children build confidence in their own unique thoughts and maintain a thirst for learning as they enter elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
For Parents and Teachers
“Creating schools for the 21st century requires less time looking in the rearview mirror and more vision anticipating the road ahead.”
-George Lucas – American Filmmaker
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. Please talk to Sue or Aubrey for more information.
Product Recall Binder: As a courtesy to our families we have a Product Recall binder in the front office. We post recall notices for products that our children or their siblings might use. We hope you find this information helpful.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or connie.curiel@nlcinc.com.