Hello Merryhill Families,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back for another school year! I hope you you had a pleasant summer break and that your students are refreshed and ready to hit the ground running on Monday.
We are starting the new year with a rare event, the solar eclipse. This eclipse is rare as it’s the first solar eclipse in over 99 years in which the entire continental U.S. has a view. While we will get to see the eclipse, we are not in the path of complete coverage, meaning that we will see the moon pass between earth and the sun, but it will not completely block out the sun. Regardless, it is a sight to behold, and a wonderful conversation starter with the students. If you’d like to see a video of what we can expect on Monday, please visit this site. Any student whose parent or guardian has filled out an opt-out form, will be staying inside and not participating in the viewing. All other students will be seeing the eclipse with their class, at a designated time. This schedule was emailed to parents after our Back-to-School event today. Parents are welcome to come during their child’s viewing time.
This week, in Monday folders, students will be taking home an interest form for lunch clubs. Please speak with your students and together decide if they are interested in any of the available clubs. These clubs will run once per week, during lunch time. The students will be able to eat their lunch in a classroom, while they hold their meetings. We opted for lunch clubs, rather than after-school clubs, so that all students would have an opportunity to participate.
I hope you have a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning!
Amanda Arceo
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Welcome Back
Hello Merryhill Families,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back for another school year! I hope you you had a pleasant summer break and that your students are refreshed and ready to hit the ground running on Monday.
We are starting the new year with a rare event, the solar eclipse. This eclipse is rare as it’s the first solar eclipse in over 99 years in which the entire continental U.S. has a view. While we will get to see the eclipse, we are not in the path of complete coverage, meaning that we will see the moon pass between earth and the sun, but it will not completely block out the sun. Regardless, it is a sight to behold, and a wonderful conversation starter with the students. If you’d like to see a video of what we can expect on Monday, please visit this site. Any student whose parent or guardian has filled out an opt-out form, will be staying inside and not participating in the viewing. All other students will be seeing the eclipse with their class, at a designated time. This schedule was emailed to parents after our Back-to-School event today. Parents are welcome to come during their child’s viewing time.
This week, in Monday folders, students will be taking home an interest form for lunch clubs. Please speak with your students and together decide if they are interested in any of the available clubs. These clubs will run once per week, during lunch time. The students will be able to eat their lunch in a classroom, while they hold their meetings. We opted for lunch clubs, rather than after-school clubs, so that all students would have an opportunity to participate.
I hope you have a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning!
Amanda Arceo