A Note From Our Principal,
On behalf of all of our Teachers I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our wonderful parents that showered our teachers with lots of love, gifts, and thank yous! Your kindness goes a long way and never goes unnoticed. Thank you for making this a wonderful Staff Appreciation Week!
We had a wonderful evening celebrating our Mom’s, Grandma’s and Aunts at our Mother’s Day Art Show and hope that you also had a great time! Creating from within is such an important part of the learning process and we are so thankful that you were able to see first hand how awesome art with children can be!
Coming up next, we have our BIG FATHER’S DAY BASH! We will have big Jenga, big legos, big basketball, big bowling and big sliders! We hope to see you out for this event on Friday June 7th 4:00pm-5:30pm.
Jill McSpadden
Links 2 Home App Usage
We know that summer is a busy time for our families, and want to communicate school happenings as clearly as possible to ensure that no one is left out. Daily reports are sent via email each day, but our Links 2 Home app keeps all school communications in one place and is always accessible. The app also allows you to communicate absences to your child’s teacher, leave drop-off notes, and read teacher and administrative notes in detail.
If you are not a current app user, we encourage you to visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app today. You will need to login with the email address you use for Alma. Please let us know if you have issues logging into Links 2 Home!
Vacation Reminder
Please let us know in advance if you are planning on using your vacation credit to ensure that your account is not charged incorrectly. Just a friendly reminder as well that Vacation Credits do not roll over year to year.
Summer Cubby Clean-ups
Our students love spending time outdoors and we want to make sure we take ample advantage of the summer weather before it gets too hot. If your child is in the Toddler classroom and up, please make sure they have the following items in their cubby at all times:
- Labeled bottle of sunscreen. If you use aerosol sunscreen, please send an additional cream version for your child’s face.
- Reusable water bottle with your child’s name on it
- Summer (and, size) appropriate change of clothes
- Hat (All ages)
Splash Days
We have several splash days planned for our students this summer and can’t wait for your child to participate! On splash days we provide sprinklers and water toys to help our students cool off!
On Splash Days, students should come to school in their regular clothes. The teachers will assist in changing them into their bathing suits/swim diaper as needed.
Shoes must be worn, and they need to be able to get wet. Please bring a towel, a change of dry clothes and shoes to change into. Our current scheduled splash days are:
- June 13th
- June 28th
- July 12th
- July 26th
- August 9th
Parent Reports & Transition Date Announcements
On Friday, you will receive your child’s Parent Report for the Spring, as well as a letter outlining when your child will be transitioning to the next classroom. Due to the fact that our graduates stay with us through the summer, your child may stay in their current classroom for the duration of the summer. This will be explained in your Transition Letter, but if you have any questions about the dates, please let me know.
Summer Program
Please be ready for your children to go home dirty! We will be playing with water, digging in the dirt for insects and exploring our surroundings on a daily basis, so please be sure to send your child in appropriate attire and have extra clothes in their cubby.
When searching for shoes this summer be on the lookout for a shoe with a great tred, covered toes and good support in the heel and arch. Footwear is not only important for our licensing requirements, but it also helps ensure that your children’s feet are safe and supported as they run, jump and dance their way through the day!
I apologize for the oversized pictures of the first two shoes, but they wouldn’t get any smaller!
Ballet Flats (Allowed but not always appropriate)

Pros: Toes are covered, strap keeps the shoe on.
Cons: Little arch support does not lend well to gross motor activities like running and jumping. If there is no strap to keep the shoe on, the shoe could pop off mid-stride, leading to a stubbed toe or rolled ankle.
Flip Flops (Not allowed)

Open-Toed Sandals (Without coverage around the toes, this style of shoe is not allowed at school)

Sandals (Great option! Breathable, well-supported, great tred and it provides coverage of toes)

Running Shoes (Great option! Slip ons and velcro are great – especially when students are unable to tie their own shoes)

Important Dates
June 3rd — Check your child’s cubby for summer items and replenish
June 13th—Splash Day! Last day of school for the 2018-2019 school year!
June 14th—SCHOOL CLOSED – Professional Development Day for Staff
June 15th – Graduation for students moving on to Kindergarten! 10:00am-12:30pm @ Willow Creek Park
June 17th – First day of the 2019/2020 School year!
June 28th—Splash Day!
From Our Education Department
The summer months are a great time for children of all ages to splash and explore with water. Not only is water play fun, but it’s also a great learning experience for your child. Supervised water play fosters creativity, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, language skills, math and science concepts,[.....]
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June Newsletter
A Note From Our Principal,
On behalf of all of our Teachers I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our wonderful parents that showered our teachers with lots of love, gifts, and thank yous! Your kindness goes a long way and never goes unnoticed. Thank you for making this a wonderful Staff Appreciation Week!
We had a wonderful evening celebrating our Mom’s, Grandma’s and Aunts at our Mother’s Day Art Show and hope that you also had a great time! Creating from within is such an important part of the learning process and we are so thankful that you were able to see first hand how awesome art with children can be!
Coming up next, we have our BIG FATHER’S DAY BASH! We will have big Jenga, big legos, big basketball, big bowling and big sliders! We hope to see you out for this event on Friday June 7th 4:00pm-5:30pm.
Jill McSpadden
Links 2 Home App Usage
We know that summer is a busy time for our families, and want to communicate school happenings as clearly as possible to ensure that no one is left out. Daily reports are sent via email each day, but our Links 2 Home app keeps all school communications in one place and is always accessible. The app also allows you to communicate absences to your child’s teacher, leave drop-off notes, and read teacher and administrative notes in detail.
If you are not a current app user, we encourage you to visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app today. You will need to login with the email address you use for Alma. Please let us know if you have issues logging into Links 2 Home!
Vacation Reminder
Please let us know in advance if you are planning on using your vacation credit to ensure that your account is not charged incorrectly. Just a friendly reminder as well that Vacation Credits do not roll over year to year.
Summer Cubby Clean-ups
Our students love spending time outdoors and we want to make sure we take ample advantage of the summer weather before it gets too hot. If your child is in the Toddler classroom and up, please make sure they have the following items in their cubby at all times:
Splash Days
We have several splash days planned for our students this summer and can’t wait for your child to participate! On splash days we provide sprinklers and water toys to help our students cool off!
On Splash Days, students should come to school in their regular clothes. The teachers will assist in changing them into their bathing suits/swim diaper as needed.
Shoes must be worn, and they need to be able to get wet. Please bring a towel, a change of dry clothes and shoes to change into. Our current scheduled splash days are:
Parent Reports & Transition Date Announcements
On Friday, you will receive your child’s Parent Report for the Spring, as well as a letter outlining when your child will be transitioning to the next classroom. Due to the fact that our graduates stay with us through the summer, your child may stay in their current classroom for the duration of the summer. This will be explained in your Transition Letter, but if you have any questions about the dates, please let me know.
Summer Program
Please be ready for your children to go home dirty! We will be playing with water, digging in the dirt for insects and exploring our surroundings on a daily basis, so please be sure to send your child in appropriate attire and have extra clothes in their cubby.
When searching for shoes this summer be on the lookout for a shoe with a great tred, covered toes and good support in the heel and arch. Footwear is not only important for our licensing requirements, but it also helps ensure that your children’s feet are safe and supported as they run, jump and dance their way through the day!
I apologize for the oversized pictures of the first two shoes, but they wouldn’t get any smaller!
Ballet Flats (Allowed but not always appropriate)
Pros: Toes are covered, strap keeps the shoe on.
Cons: Little arch support does not lend well to gross motor activities like running and jumping. If there is no strap to keep the shoe on, the shoe could pop off mid-stride, leading to a stubbed toe or rolled ankle.
Flip Flops (Not allowed)
Open-Toed Sandals (Without coverage around the toes, this style of shoe is not allowed at school)
Sandals (Great option! Breathable, well-supported, great tred and it provides coverage of toes)
Running Shoes (Great option! Slip ons and velcro are great – especially when students are unable to tie their own shoes)
Important Dates
June 3rd — Check your child’s cubby for summer items and replenish
June 13th—Splash Day! Last day of school for the 2018-2019 school year!
June 14th—SCHOOL CLOSED – Professional Development Day for Staff
June 15th – Graduation for students moving on to Kindergarten! 10:00am-12:30pm @ Willow Creek Park
June 17th – First day of the 2019/2020 School year!
June 28th—Splash Day!
From Our Education Department
Splish Splash! Fun Water Play Activities for Preschoolers
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