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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  Happy New Year!  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.  We are looking forward to finishing up this 2020-2021 school year with the children filling them with memories and new adventures.    This month we are kicking off our registration for the 2021-2022 school year on January 11th.  This is your opportunity to guarantee your child’s space.  We will be sending out more information as the time approaches.

The children this month will be celebrating culture and learning all about Martin Luther King Jr., and who he was with a ” I have a dream”  pajama day.  We also will be talking about Hibernation, winter animals and who Jackson Pollack and Mozart is.

Have a wonderful month!

Nieva Gatbonton



January 1st                         New Year’s Day  *SCHOOL IS CLOSED*

January 8th                       Crazy Sock Day   *Wear your crazy socks*

January 11th                      Hibernation Week

January 15th                      Pajama Day ” I have a dream”

January 18th                      Martin Luther King Jr. Day  * SCHOOL IS CLOSED *

January 19th                      National Popcorn Day

January 27th                      Mozart’s Birthday

January 28th                     Jackson Pollack’s Birthday

January 31st                      National Backwards Day

Winter Clothing Reminder

If you’ve not already done so, please send in an extra set of weather appropriate clothes for your child. Students also need to come to school each day with a jacket and dressed warmly enough to play outside for part of the day. We want everyone to be able to participate!


Links 2 Home 

If you’re not currently receiving photos and daily reports for your child you can easily change this by downloading the Links 2 Home app on your phone. Just type ‘Links 2 Home’ in the search bar for the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading Links 2 Home you can register with the same email address that you used to enroll your child in our school.


Online Parent Communication 

In addition to our newsletter the ‘For Parents’ section of our website also includes links to our menu, monthly calendar and school year calendar. We update these items frequently to ensure you’re always in the know. Though we send information through Links 2 Home, our calendar can be printed or even downloaded directly to your device. Our menu and school year calendar can be printed or saved for easy reference as well.


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