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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  As this school year comes to an end we want to thank all our families for helping us make this year special. We are so proud to see our Pre-K students finish their last few days in their class, many of them have been with us since they were infants, and we truly cherish all of the memories. We are also truly excited to witness all of our young students move up to the next stage of their educational journey.

Thanks to the strong partnership between parents and teachers and the support of the curriculum, we have completed a very successful school year. We are extremely grateful to the staff as they are the key component of the children’s success here at Merryhill. The communication and bond between staff and parents has helped create a strong, consistent environment for our students. Our success would not have been accomplished without the parent’s utmost support and encouragement.

Monday, June 24th is the first day of the new school year! The first two weeks of the new school year will be dedicated to helping the children get familiar with their new teacher, classroom, and routines. It is our goal to help our students have a smooth transition by providing fun and exciting activities and, at the same time, spend time getting to know the children and forming the bond and attachment that will help them feel comfortable and at ease with their new teachers.

We are looking forward to a successful new school year! Please don’t hesitate to speak to us regarding any special needs or routines regarding your child. Please know that teachers and administrators will always make themselves available to discuss any issues that may come to mind. Please feel free to reach us by phone, e-mail or just stop by the school any time.

Have a wonderful month

Robin Kemmer




June 3rd                      National Donut Day

June 9th                      Donald Duck Day

June 10th-14th          End of the Year Spirit Week

June 10th                   Disney Day

June 11th                   Crazy Hair Day

June 12th                   Pajama Day

June 13th                   When I grow up I want to be…..

June 14th                   Flag Day

June 14th                   Father’s Day Celebration

June 14th                   Superhero Day

June 16th                   Father’s Day

June 19th                   Juneteenth * SCHOOL IS CLOSED *

June 20th                 End of the Year Celebration Party

June 20th                 Graduation 9:30 to 10:30

June 21st                   Professional Development Day  * SCHOOL IS CLOSED *

Ways to Turn Tantrums into Teachable Moments

Tantrums are a common occurrence in childhood, often leaving caregivers feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. But what if we could turn these challenging moments into valuable opportunities for learning and growth? By approaching tantrums with patience and empathy, we can turn them into meaningful teachable moments that foster emotional intelligence, problem-solving skills, and self-regulation in children. Our Links to Learning teachers employ effective strategies to do just that.

Validate and Label Emotions

Our patient and dedicated teachers acknowledge that feelings matter. Even if we’re not sure why a child is upset, we let them know it’s okay to feel frustrated. By validating their emotions, we help them feel understood and supported. At home, remember to get down to their level for a more meaningful connection.


Talk When Calm

It’s hard to reason with a child in the heat of the moment. With their heightened emotions, it is difficult for them to process what you may be saying. Our teachers approach each conversation calmly and ask students open-ended questions. This approach helps them process their emotions and learn from the experience.


Encourage Problem-Solving

We empower our students to find their own solutions by offering choices and alternatives. This helps them develop critical thinking skills and a sense of autonomy. At home, you could ask your child, “Instead of screaming, what could you have done differently?”


Foster Empathy and Understanding

We teach our students to recognize not only their own emotions but also those of others. By considering how their actions impact those around them, they learn compassion and social awareness. At home, you could ask, “How do you think Bobby felt when you were screaming?”


Instill Life-Long Benefits

These teachable moments have a lasting impact on children’s emotional development. When met with empathetic and constructive responses, they develop healthier coping mechanisms, higher emotional intelligence, and better communication skills for kindergarten and beyond.

Additional Tips:

  • Know your child’s triggers and prepare for them.
  • Set boundaries ahead of time to manage expectations.
  • Equip your child with coping strategies, such as deep breathing or a calming sensory item.
  • Create a safe space at home for them to calm down and regroup.

By embracing tantrums as opportunities for growth, we empower our children to navigate their emotions and thrive emotionally and socially.





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