Message from the Principal:
Hello Rocklin Merryhill Families!!
The transition from one school year to the next is so quick! We are already 3 weeks into the 2015-2016 school year! We have our school year events planned out and you should have already received it via email. If you don’t have it yet, please let me know and I’ll get that out to you. We have lots of special events and activities planned and I’m certain you won’t want to miss any of them!
The hot summer weather has definitely hit at Merryhill! Please be assured that we do not go outside in the afternoons when the temperature is over 95 degrees. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out the Sunscreen form for this year and bring in sunscreen for your children. We’ll make sure to apply it prior to going outside. We receive daily air quality updates and stay inside on those unhealthy air days. We do however, provide the children with ample opportunities for “big body play” while inside through our SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) program!
We will continue to offer some type of water play every Wednesday. It will be most helpful if you label your child’s towel with his or her name. We have had a few towels go home with the wrong families. It is so much easier to track them down if they are are labeled!
Please make sure to check our event board in the front office. We have dress up days during the week that are connected to our weekly themes. There are special events planned for each week as well. All of this information is located on the event board.
Have you considered becoming a Merryhill Ambassador? Many of our families have already taken advantage of this opportunity to earn tuition credits. You will be excited to know that we have temporarily made a significant change to the amount of tuition credit that could be available to you. More information will be forthcoming later this week. Be sure to be on the lookout for information in the front office!
As always, we appreciate your continued trust in Merryhill Rocklin to provide your children with the highest quality of care and education possible.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
- July 3 School Closed – Independence Day
- July 6 Wild Things Animal Presentation
- July 7 Safari Dress Up Day
- July 10 Teddy Bear Picnic
- July 14 Animal Print Dress Up Day
- July 21 Sports Wear Dress Up Day
- July 28 Superhero Dress Up Day
- July 30 Talent Show
News From Our Education Department
Fun Ways to Keep Your Child Engaged in Learning this Summer
Summer offers unique opportunities for children to learn through fun, multi-sensory experiences. Our teachers continue to use our Links to Learning curriculum to help children develop new skills throughout the summer.
Here are some examples of types of activities we will be doing this summer, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.
In the classroom: Our teachers provide numerous opportunities for multi-sensory exploration. Infants spend tummy time in the grass, splash their hands at the water table and feel and taste summer fruits.
At home: Fill a small bowl with water and place it in front of your child. Allow him to splash his hands in the water. Practice hand-eye coordination and fine motor skill development by adding toys and encouraging your child to retrieve them.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: In the toddler years, children begin to play together with their peers. They practice sharing toys and cooperating in learning centers. Research shows that by nurturing connections with others, toddlers learn how to form friendships, communicate their emotions and deal with challenges.
At home: Encourage sharing skills by taking turns blowing bubbles with your child, doing the Hokey Pokey, or drawing pictures using sidewalk chalk.
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginner students use math and science while participating in fun outdoor activities. For instance, they predict and test the buoyancy of toys at the water table, and count how many will float and how many will sink.
At home: During bath time or in a baby pool, continue the exploration of what sinks and what floats. Bring a small assortment of toys and ask your child to guess which items will sink or float.
In the classroom: Intermediates take advantage of the warm summer weather by strengthening their gross motor skills. They practice pedaling on a tricycle, throwing and catching balls, playing hopscotch and walking on balance boards.
At home: Play follow the leader around your neighborhood or at a nearby park. Have your child try skipping, galloping, hopping, marching and jogging.
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers make reading and writing more engaging and fun by moving learning outdoors. For example, our older preschoolers go on a nature walk, write about their experience in their journals, and share their journal entries with the class.
At home: Increase your child’s interest in writing by bringing various writing materials outside, such as crayons and paper or colored sidewalk chalk. Ask your child to draw and label what he sees.
During the summer months, we provide many opportunities for students to explore their interests, learn to their full potential, and express themselves creatively. These hands-on experiences lead to growth in all areas of development as children transition into elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
For Parents and Teachers
“Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. -Roger Lewin, British Writer
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. Please talk to Miss Sue or Miss Aubrey for more information.
Product Recall Binder: As a courtesy to our families we have a Product Recall binder in the front office. We post recall notices for products that our children or their siblings might use. We hope you find this information helpful.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or
July News
Message from the Principal:
Hello Rocklin Merryhill Families!!
The transition from one school year to the next is so quick! We are already 3 weeks into the 2015-2016 school year! We have our school year events planned out and you should have already received it via email. If you don’t have it yet, please let me know and I’ll get that out to you. We have lots of special events and activities planned and I’m certain you won’t want to miss any of them!
The hot summer weather has definitely hit at Merryhill! Please be assured that we do not go outside in the afternoons when the temperature is over 95 degrees. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out the Sunscreen form for this year and bring in sunscreen for your children. We’ll make sure to apply it prior to going outside. We receive daily air quality updates and stay inside on those unhealthy air days. We do however, provide the children with ample opportunities for “big body play” while inside through our SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) program!
We will continue to offer some type of water play every Wednesday. It will be most helpful if you label your child’s towel with his or her name. We have had a few towels go home with the wrong families. It is so much easier to track them down if they are are labeled!
Please make sure to check our event board in the front office. We have dress up days during the week that are connected to our weekly themes. There are special events planned for each week as well. All of this information is located on the event board.
Have you considered becoming a Merryhill Ambassador? Many of our families have already taken advantage of this opportunity to earn tuition credits. You will be excited to know that we have temporarily made a significant change to the amount of tuition credit that could be available to you. More information will be forthcoming later this week. Be sure to be on the lookout for information in the front office!
As always, we appreciate your continued trust in Merryhill Rocklin to provide your children with the highest quality of care and education possible.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
News From Our Education Department
Fun Ways to Keep Your Child Engaged in Learning this Summer
Summer offers unique opportunities for children to learn through fun, multi-sensory experiences. Our teachers continue to use our Links to Learning curriculum to help children develop new skills throughout the summer.
Here are some examples of types of activities we will be doing this summer, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.
In the classroom: Our teachers provide numerous opportunities for multi-sensory exploration. Infants spend tummy time in the grass, splash their hands at the water table and feel and taste summer fruits.
At home: Fill a small bowl with water and place it in front of your child. Allow him to splash his hands in the water. Practice hand-eye coordination and fine motor skill development by adding toys and encouraging your child to retrieve them.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: In the toddler years, children begin to play together with their peers. They practice sharing toys and cooperating in learning centers. Research shows that by nurturing connections with others, toddlers learn how to form friendships, communicate their emotions and deal with challenges.
At home: Encourage sharing skills by taking turns blowing bubbles with your child, doing the Hokey Pokey, or drawing pictures using sidewalk chalk.
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginner students use math and science while participating in fun outdoor activities. For instance, they predict and test the buoyancy of toys at the water table, and count how many will float and how many will sink.
At home: During bath time or in a baby pool, continue the exploration of what sinks and what floats. Bring a small assortment of toys and ask your child to guess which items will sink or float.
In the classroom: Intermediates take advantage of the warm summer weather by strengthening their gross motor skills. They practice pedaling on a tricycle, throwing and catching balls, playing hopscotch and walking on balance boards.
At home: Play follow the leader around your neighborhood or at a nearby park. Have your child try skipping, galloping, hopping, marching and jogging.
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers make reading and writing more engaging and fun by moving learning outdoors. For example, our older preschoolers go on a nature walk, write about their experience in their journals, and share their journal entries with the class.
At home: Increase your child’s interest in writing by bringing various writing materials outside, such as crayons and paper or colored sidewalk chalk. Ask your child to draw and label what he sees.
During the summer months, we provide many opportunities for students to explore their interests, learn to their full potential, and express themselves creatively. These hands-on experiences lead to growth in all areas of development as children transition into elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
For Parents and Teachers
“Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. -Roger Lewin, British Writer
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. Please talk to Miss Sue or Miss Aubrey for more information.
Product Recall Binder: As a courtesy to our families we have a Product Recall binder in the front office. We post recall notices for products that our children or their siblings might use. We hope you find this information helpful.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or