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May Newsletter

Dearest families,
Where has the time gone? This year has been full of great adventures and learning experiences for all!
For us we strive to do better ever year, in everything we do. This year we have done this in many ways! One way is through our giving projects. Our last “giving” project was for St. Jude’s Children’s hospital. This year we raised $900.00 compared to last year’s $600.00. I would like to thank Ms. Flor for organizing this charity event every year and thank our giving parents for taking the time to “give”! The children also had a great time riding their own bikes around the track for this event. Then, there was our Book Faire! Thanks to your purchase of books at our Scholastic Book Faire, it was a huge success. Each teacher had $100.00 to spend on new books for their classrooms! We have also added the parent share iPods, so the teachers can email pictures to the parents easily. We do this because we want to share all of the fun learning happening with you while you are away at work! This small picture gift not only brightens up your day, but transports you into your child’s classroom to see what they are learning that day! Another improvement we just finished is our school garden for each classroom! We have finished painting our gardens today and now they are ready for the soil and plants! I can’t wait to see what the children want to grow in their garden! Thanks again for everything you do! And most importantly, thank you for being part of Merryhill School!
Now to our future events, the children have been practicing for months in preparation of the Spring Show. Don’t forgot to come this Friday at 3:30 to our annual Spring Show performance where all of the children from 2 years old and up will perform on stage for their family. The event will be held in the back parking lot on May 8th at 3:30 pm.
We are now in our last month of the 2014/2015 school year and we have our very special Pre-K graduation to plan for. This milestone event is for our Pre-K students in the Red Room and will be held on Thursday, May 28th at 3:30 PM! Don’t miss it! It will be located in the same area as the Spring Show. Arrive before 3:30 and join us in the back parking lot.
The final reminder is for the last week of school. The last week of school is Tuesday, May 26th – Thursday, May 28th. We are closed for Memorial Day Holiday on Monday, May 25th and closed for Teacher’s In-service Day on Friday, May 29th. There are only a couple families who have not registered for the new school year. If you are one of them, please come and see me in the preschool office to see if we still have space available in the next level classroom. June 1st is the first day of the new school year and everyone must re-register in order to continue. If you have any questions or concerns my door is always open!
Quick reminder: Please remember to sign in and out every day in the classroom binder. This is extremely important because we use this in case of an emergency! Also, please put your child’s name on all sippy cups and water bottles. We do not want the children drinking from other children’s cups. One last reminder please put your sheet and blanket in a bag labeled with your child’s name. If it does not have a name on it, then we do not know who it belongs to 🙂 Thank you!
For those children who are graduating to Kindergarten in the new school year, visit the Elementary front office for information on how to reserve your spot for the new school year! Contact the Elementary Principal for more details. Her name is Karen Cooper and her contact number is 408-254-1280 and email address is karen.cooper@nlcinc.com.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns my door is always open. We are here to help you and “our” children in any way we can. Everyone at Merryhill is special and important to us. Let us continue to make this a great school year!

Heather Bilbro/Palmer
Preschool Principal

“All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds we sow today.” 

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