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A Whole School Approach aimed at developing happy, healthy learners

For the last three years, students at Merryhill Midtown were gradually introduced to a variety of resources and strategies as their social, emotional and health needs were addressed in and out of the classroom. Using the Be FIERCE platform, students learned about the FIERCE competencies and how they could become more FIERCE! In year four of implementation, we are adding the final layers and  connecting the pieces with a shift towards a more comprehensive, whole-school approach. This multi-layered program includes character and health education, social and emotional learning and outlets into our school wide design thinking and service learning projects.  By connecting these components, the result is a robust, whole child program designed to develop happy, healthy learners. Staff across campus will work together to develop the FIERCE skill set; all students will participate in a teacher-led Monday morning meeting in order to build community, promote social and emotional learning, facilitate academic success and encourage goal setting. In addition to weekly in class lessons, program integration will occur in morning announcements, school assemblies, speciality classes and the before and after school program. Using the Personal Learning Plan, students will goal set and assess their level of success within each competency. Communication from teachers to parents will occur through the evaluation of the student’s skills reported on progress and report cards.  Throughout the year, our focus will center around three main areas: FIERCE Focus, emphasizing skills that impact their ability to learn, FIERCE Feelings, with an emphasis on emotions, and FIERCE Emotions.

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