The school year is winding down. The weather is warming up, children are getting a bit antsy and we are finding LOTS of sweatshirts and sweaters on the playground! Please make sure to label all your child’s outerwear. It is also time for new sunscreen forms to be completed. We’ll be checking the sunscreen we currently have for expiration dates and letting you know if your child’s sunscreen needs to be replaced.
Aubrey and I would like to send a special thank you to those families who contributed to our St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon this year. Together we raised $786 for research and children’s care at St. Jude’s Hospital! Thank you so much!
We will celebrate our teachers and staff the week of May 1-5. Please watch for information about our special days and activities that week. Let our staff know how much you appreciate their hard work and the love and attention they share with our children.
We are excited to have our annual Mother’s Day Tea! We love celebrating and honoring the special women in our children’s lives. Our Mother’s Day Tea will be held on Friday, May 12. Make sure to save the date.
Don’t forget about our Merryhill Ambassador program. Receive a one week’s tuition credit when you refer a friend or family member who enrolls in any Merryhill program. Please see Aubrey or me for more information regarding our referral program.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
- May 1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 10 Open House/Curriculum Night
- May 12 Mother’s Day Tea
- May 19 Parent’s Night Out
- May 23 Fit Kidz 4 Life Performance
- May 29 School Closed for Memorial Day
- May 31 LTL Folders Go Home
From Our Education Department
May, 2017
Topics: Wellness
Will your child only eat pizza or chicken nuggets? Are you fighting an uphill battle to get him to take just a bite of broccoli? If so, you’re not alone. Picky eating is a common and normal behavior for many young children. It can be their way of declaring independence,[.....]
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For Parents and Teachers
“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the education system.”
Sidney Hook – American Philosopher and Writer
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. We also accept credit card payments. Please talk to Sue or Aubrey for more information.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or
May News
Message from the Principal:
Hello Rocklin Merryhill Families!
The school year is winding down. The weather is warming up, children are getting a bit antsy and we are finding LOTS of sweatshirts and sweaters on the playground! Please make sure to label all your child’s outerwear. It is also time for new sunscreen forms to be completed. We’ll be checking the sunscreen we currently have for expiration dates and letting you know if your child’s sunscreen needs to be replaced.
Aubrey and I would like to send a special thank you to those families who contributed to our St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon this year. Together we raised $786 for research and children’s care at St. Jude’s Hospital! Thank you so much!
We will celebrate our teachers and staff the week of May 1-5. Please watch for information about our special days and activities that week. Let our staff know how much you appreciate their hard work and the love and attention they share with our children.
We are excited to have our annual Mother’s Day Tea! We love celebrating and honoring the special women in our children’s lives. Our Mother’s Day Tea will be held on Friday, May 12. Make sure to save the date.
Don’t forget about our Merryhill Ambassador program. Receive a one week’s tuition credit when you refer a friend or family member who enrolls in any Merryhill program. Please see Aubrey or me for more information regarding our referral program.
Sue Stewart
Upcoming Events
From Our Education Department
Expand Your Picky Eater's Culinary Horizons
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For Parents and Teachers
“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the education system.”
Sidney Hook – American Philosopher and Writer
Nut Free: We are a NUT FREE school. We do have some students with nut allergies and appreciate your help in keeping all of our children safe and healthy.
California Licensing Regulations require that parents sign children in and out, with drop-off and pick-up times, and a complete, legible signature. We will be highlighting your sign-in/out sheets on those days when you forget to sign in or out!
Tuition Options: We appreciate that you make every effort to make your tuition payments on time. As you are aware, tuition payments are due on Monday of each week (or on your child’s first day of attendance). To save you time, the headache of having to remember your checkbook every Monday and to avoid those pesky late fees, consider enrolling in our automatic payment program at no charge. We also accept credit card payments. Please talk to Sue or Aubrey for more information.
Art Files: Please remember to check them at least once a week to pick up any correspondence between the office and/or teachers, along with your child’s amazing art work.
Clothing and Nap Items: Remember to update your child’s extra clothing as the seasons change and your child grows! Please label all of their items so we can return anything that may be forgotten at the end of the day. Any soiled items will be placed in plastic bags and put into your child’s cubby. Each child needs a blanket and crib size sheet for rest time. Sheets and blankets must be taken home on Fridays (or you child’s last day of attendance during the week), laundered and returned on the first day of attendance.
LTL Files: Links to Learning files are available on the last day of each month. These files provide you with information about the skills your child will learning in the upcoming month, as well as a snapshot of what has been accomplished in the current month through the work you will find in the folder.
Merryhill Elementary School: If you are interested in having your child stay with Merryhill School for kindergarten and beyond, please visit our elementary campus at 1115 Orlando Ave. in Roseville, just off of I-80 and Riverside Ave. The school contact information is 916-783-3010 or