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September News

A Message From the Principal:

Dear Merryhill Families,

Welcome to all of you! I so enjoyed seeing so many of you at the “Meet Your Teacher” gathering on Orientation Day. With the first two weeks behind us we are off to a wonderful beginning to the school year! Every teacher reported they are having a successful start in the classroom. I hope that you are falling into your routine between home and school as well. As the year progresses, I encourage you to visit the school and teacher websites on a regular basis to keep up to date on the latest news from Merryhill and your child’s classroom. The calendar and menus are available there as well our website. As we have done in the past, you can expect weekly calendar updates in the Monday Folder with all the most important news.

Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members:

We welcome back Mrs. Elizabeth Tomasello to Kindergarten.

Mrs. Paola Lancaster has joined our faculty and teaches Second Grade. Mrs. Lancaster graduated from Midwestern State University in Texas with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies/Elementary Ed. Her husband serves in the Air Force and was stationed here in 2011. Prior to joining our school, Mrs. Lancaster taught Pre-school in Centennial Hills for two years.

Mrs. Ariel Miller was moved to Third Grade and Mrs. Jodie Sipes was moved to Second Grade to accommodate our growth at these two grade levels.

Each year we evaluate our safety protocols and routines. We ask that you continue to update the office with any changes you have to your emergency contacts and phone numbers. As always, our focus at Merryhill Elementary is student growth in a safe and nurturing environment.

We change the code for the key pad on the door entering the Administration Building periodically. Please just ring the doorbell if you need assistance.

We require all visitors to sign in and out at the front desk and take a “visitor” pass. While we are not requiring our parents to have a visitor pass, please do not take it personally if you are asked by a staff member to identify yourself or sign in.

We are also asking that parents use the office only to enter the school grounds. If you are bringing your child to school, please do not enter in through the gate. Either allow your child to walk by himself/herself through the gate to the playground or walk your child in through the office.

Please remember to drive slowly through the parking lot. You should not exceed 10 mph at any time. Please do not drive through the middle aisles. This creates a traffic hazard, as other cars are cut off and it disturbs the flow of traffic. Please be sure your child has his/her backpack and other necessary items readily available when using the morning curbside service which is from 7:50 to 8:05 A.M. This will help keep the flow of traffic moving efficiently. Please do not pass other cars at the drop-off or pick-up point. If you are walking, please use the designated crosswalks. You may not, for any reason, park in the red curb fire lane.

Thank you for entrusting your children to our care! We promise to live up to our mission and create an educational environment that fosters academic excellence, instills a love for active learning, and provides experiences that enable students to acquire a foundation of skills for lifelong achievement.

Please know my door is always open to you. Here’s to a great new school year!

Theresa Gotay, Principal


  • Monday, September 1st – Labor Day – NO school classes – and the office is closed – in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and enjoyable
    weekend. Classes resume Tuesday morning, September 2nd
  • Tuesday, September 2nd – TUITION PAYMENT DUE
    Please remember that tuition payments are always due on the first of the month. Due to the holiday, your tuition payment will be due Tuesday, September 2nd. If you have signed up for ACH, that service will begin with your September payment and continue through May, 2015. If you signed up for Flat Rate Extended Care, that payment is also due at this time.
  • Friday, September 5th – “Movie Night” sponsored by the P.T.O.
    Welcome back “Movie Night” at 6:30 P.M. on the Playground/Basketball Court area.
  • Tuesday, September 16th – Progress Reports
    Progress Reports will be sent home today.
  • Friday, September 19th – Lifetouch Picture Day
    All students will have their picture taken today. Students will need to wear their school uniforms for pictures as this is the photograph that will appear in the annual Memory Book.



Please make sure you have returned all the forms that were mailed to you during the summer. The “Emergency Form”, “Consent for Medical Treatment”, “No Walk Policy” and “Extended Care Sign-Up” all need to be completed and returned to the office. These forms must be completed each year to ensure accurate and up to date contact information. If you have misplaced them, please just call the office and
we will be happy to send you another set.

Please remember that all new students need to have a copy of their birth certificate and immunization record on file. If any current students have received updated vaccinations, please make sure we get an updated copy of the record.

Lunch times for the students are as follows: Kindergarten and 1st Grade eat at 11:20 A.M. and 2nd through 5th Graders eat at 12:05 P.M. Lunch is for 20 minutes. You can order lunches online at www.wtcafe.com. Phone number is 702-431-4463.Dismissal times are as follows: Kindergarten and First Grade dismiss at 2:45 P.M.; Second through Fifth Grade dismiss at 3:00 P.M.

Please remember to check your child’s “take home folder” every Monday for important newsletters, reminders, and other information. Thank you!

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