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A NOTE FROM THE PRINICIPAL’S DESK:  Summer is in full swing and the children are having so much fun with all the activities that they have been able to do.  We would like to welcome the families who have joined us this month!

The transition to the new school year has been a very successful one and we thank you all for your ongoing support. We realize that with so many different policies and procedures in place due to the Covid pandemic, we had to adjust to many different practices. We hope that with time, we will slowly transition to having the parents back at the school and following our normal routine. For now, the children have settled into their new classroom and have adjusted to the new routines with ease. We are so proud of all of them and can’t wait to see them grow as we advance in this wonderful school year.

Make sure to read the school monthly newsletter and  check out our school website to see the monthly update menu and monthly calendar. You are welcome to contact the Admin Team directly at the school at (916)689-7322.

Thanks again for entrusting us with your child’s care and education. We look forward to another successful and rewarding year together!

Warm regards,

Nieva Gatbonton



Puppet Time                          August 2nd-6th

Puppet Show                         August 6th

Splash Zone                           August 9th-12th

Water Boat Races                 August 11th

Water Play Day                     August 12th

Professional Dev. Day         August 13th

Food Factory                        August 16h-20th

Mini Horse Visit                  August 19th

Ice Cream Party                   August 20th

Globe Trotters                      August 23rd-27th

Magic Show                          August 27th


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