Summer Partnerships Home / Camp & After School / Summer Camp / Summer Partnerships Since 1985, Envision’s immersive career exploration and leadership development programs have inspired more than 800,000 students. Located at top college campuses across the country, Envision’s residential programs for grades 3 through 12 are taught by subject matter experts and built on modern, 21st-century learning principles. From performing a surgery using virtual reality, to conducting a mock trial in an actual courtroom, Envision programs provide practical, hands-on learning experiences that students call “amazing” and parents call “transformative.” Learn more about Envision’s Summer Programs > Laurel Springs is an accredited online private school with a mastery-based approach to learning. The online summer program is designed to help students grow and excel – integrating their passions and pursuits with academics. Laurel Springs’ wide array of summer courses enables students to immerse themselves in specialty topics or take core academic subjects to better prepare themselves for future academic coursework. Families who enroll in Laurel Springs’ summer courses will receive free registration and 25% off all course costs. Note that Laurel Springs academic courses may not be transferable for advanced credit at the student’s full-time school. Learn more about Laurel Springs School’s Summer Programs >