Please join me through Remind for any classroom information or messaging. Send a text to 81010 and text @827k28.
Updated Wednesday 08-7-2024 06:22pm
Classroom Notes
What to Expect in First Grade
First grade is a year of visible progress, exploration, and discovery in reading, language arts, math, social studies, writing, and character building, aligned with Spring Education’s Standards. Art, Spanish, and Music are also available to help children tap into your child’s artistic styles and personal interest. This year, students will explore learning goals through our newly adopted “Schoology,” and “FIERCE,” platforms and through First in Math, EPIC, Stem Scopes, and I-Ready online apps
Mrs. Janice Coleman - First Grade
Please join me through Remind for any classroom information or messaging. Send a text to 81010 and text @827k28.
Updated Wednesday 08-7-2024 06:22pm
Classroom Notes
What to Expect in First Grade
First grade is a year of visible progress, exploration, and discovery in reading, language arts, math, social studies, writing, and character building, aligned with Spring Education’s Standards. Art, Spanish, and Music are also available to help children tap into your child’s artistic styles and personal interest. This year, students will explore learning goals through our newly adopted “Schoology,” and “FIERCE,” platforms and through First in Math, EPIC, Stem Scopes, and I-Ready online apps
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Things you should know
*Homework will be given on an as needed basis
*Headphones and facial masks are essential for class daily.
*Being on time daily helps your child establish routines and responsibility.
Useful educational Websites: