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Mrs. Lynda Loos - Third Grade

All About Third Grade

   Welcome to Mrs. Loos’s Class!

In THIRD GRADE, students ‘read to learn’.

Through books and the internet, you will find students engaged in reading, writing, 

science, technology, engineering, art, math, and “travel the world”.

 We learn about ourselves and our family history, and we follow the rules to become

safe, responsible, and respectful citizens. 

We research and learn about inventors and famous Americans,

great leaders, authors, phases of the moon and countries

through many fun and interesting projects as  

“lifelong learners”.

Third Grade is great!  Let’s make this year the best one yet!!



Updated Saturday 02-1-2025 03:46pm

Classroom Notes

Week of February 3, 2025

Can you believe that it’s February!  
Music:  Did your student remember their recorders?
STEAM FAIR PROJECT:  Students need to have chosen a compound machine to build with at least two simple machines involved: screw, lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, and wedge.  Paragraph 3 is due this week:

•  List all materials

•  List all procedures

•  Draw a diagram of your STEAM project.

•  Take pictures of the process for your journal/report (without you in the picture)

•  Write observations down in journal

•  Paragraphs will be collected on the due date by the teacher and returned to the student so that they may prepare for turning in a complete written report on February 16th.
Reading / Language Arts:  We will be reading One Plastic Bag and Energy Island.  Energy Island is in Denmark. Students will make inferences about the text, look for point of view, text structure and text and graphic features.  Spelling will be learning more irregular verbs:  leaf, leaves, loaf, loaves, knife, knives, louse, lice, wolf, solves, goose, geese, woman, women, Ave., anyone, faraway, Mrs., calves, oxen, shelves, echoes.  Vocabulary:  confesses, forage, recycle, cable, environmental, renewable, converted, resources, willing, outreach, fellowship, communal, residents.  Students can use ‘tic, tac, toe and kidsa-z’ to study.
Math:  Topic Ten concepts will be multiplying by multiples of 10.  If you know 5 x 6 = 30 that 5 x 6 tens = 300. Topic 10 test is on Friday, February 7.
Social Studies:  Famous American research and writing and Studies Weekly / February is Black History month.  We have learned about two black artists, James A. Porter and Alma Thomas.  We created our own artwork in their style.  Our artwork and essays will be on display in the ‘Commons’ area before February 21st.
Science:  STEAM FAIR – Are you keeping up with a journal/paragraphs and weekly expectations?
Dates to Remember: 
2/7:   Plan:  Third paragraph due for STEAM FAIR project
2/12:  Field Trip to the History Museum
2/13:  Create:  Fourth Paragraph due for STEAM FAIR project
2/13: Ice Cream Social – Time tba
2/14:  No School, Professional Development Day
2/17:  No School, President’s Day
Have a good weekend!
Mrs. Loos


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