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Mrs. Lynda Loos - Third Grade

All About Third Grade

   Welcome to Mrs. Loos’s Class!

In THIRD GRADE, students ‘read to learn’.

Through books and the internet, you will find students engaged in reading, writing, 

science, technology, engineering, art, math, and “travel the world”.

 We learn about ourselves and our family history, and we follow the rules to become

safe, responsible, and respectful citizens. 

We research and learn about inventors and famous Americans,

great leaders, authors, phases of the moon and countries

through many fun and interesting projects as  

“lifelong learners”.

Third Grade is great!  Let’s make this year the best one yet!!



Updated Saturday 12-14-2024 04:15pm

Classroom Notes

   Week of December 16, 2024

One more week and then it will be Winter Break! We have a lot of fun things packed into this last week of December.

Music Program: Third – 6th graders will present a Music Concert on Wednesday, December 18, at 5:00 p.m.

Fusion Assembly and Awards: Monday, we will present P.R.I.D.E Awards for November and December. Utah Tech’s Fusion Entertainment team will return this year with music and lots of energy. You may want to join us for the fun. 9:00 a.m.

Norway Presentations: Students have been practicing their Norway presentations, play, and songs to share with the classrooms and parents. Parents come to the classroom on Tuesday, December 17, at 1:00.

Reading / Language Arts: We will read How Six Found Christmas, practice Norway presentation and songs, and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Math: We will begin Topic 8 in math. Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract.

Social Studies: We will finish our Norway folders and travel to Canada.

Science: We have finished Unit One in Science. We will review information through our STEMscopes material.

Dates to Remember:

12/16-12/20: Spirit Week
12/16: Fusion Entertainment and Awards Assembly
12/17: Norway in the Classroom for Parents at 1:00. Students wear blue skirts or pants and a white top.
12/18: Music Concert
12/20: Pajama Day
12/21: Winter Break begins
1/6: Back to school
1/10: Leadership Project due if you have done one.

Merry Christmas * Happy New Year!
Mrs. Loos

Mrs. Loos


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