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Only At Midtown

We understand that parents have many choices for their child’s education. So what makes families choose Merryhill Elementary & Middle School and stay until their child graduates? The fact that so many great things can be found #OnlyAtMidtown. Let us tell you more.

Why be FIERCE?

Merryhill Midtown students are FIERCE, which stands for Fearless, Innovative, Enthusiastic, Responsible, Compassionate, and Enlightened. As a WASC Accredited school, not only do these learning outcomes directly tie to our accreditation goals, but they mean so much more. Our FIERCE character education program provides students targeted social-emotional instruction while also giving benchmarks for goal setting and an outlet for self-reflection. At Midtown, we believe that a strong foundation grounded in a sense of community is the first step to developing respectful learners, skillful thinkers, and healthy risk takers. Students are encouraged to develop this foundation though demonstration of the FIERCE traits throughout their lives in the classroom, at home, and in the community. Award ceremonies and recognitions are held throughout the year to celebrate students who embody what it means to be FIERCE, and to hopefully inspire all those around them to live FIERCEly.

Our Special Projects
Second Grade Hero Project
Our Hero Project is one of the biggest projects of the year in 2nd grade. Students research important people from the past and present to identify character traits and develop an understanding of how traits such as leadership, compassion, and innovation can lead to important contributions that change the world. After gathering research from multiple sources, students compose and publish biographies about about their heroes, produce video presentations using Keynote, and capture images of themselves emulating their heroes using green screens. As a culminating activity, students dress as their heroes and host a Hero Wax Museum, inviting students, teachers and parents to tour through their classroom. Attendees are encouraged to share their feedback through the use of a QR code and linked Padlet app, allowing students to receive authentic feedback from their audience.
Community Involvement
We always encourage our students to get involved and give back to the local community. It not only does good for those around us, but teaches the students how they can make a difference if they just set their minds to it. One of our favorite projects is our annual toy drive for the Mustard Seed School for children experiencing homelessness. This event teaches students about the importance of empathy, compassion and giving, empowers students to directly help people their own age, and develops their awareness of global issues like poverty.
Student Council
The Student Council at our school is just one example of how we encourage student leadership. Students are encouraged to take the reins by proposing, planning, and executing monthly activities and events that directly benefit our school community. One past fundraiser was a student run Snack Shack at our Harvest Festival which raised money for both Student Council and our PTSO. Not only did students develop a business model to run the Snack Shack, they even used software such as Canva to create advertisements to promote the event.
Buddy Program
Students at Merryhill Midtown find forever friends through our Buddy Program. Unlikely pairings between older and younger are created every year. While the pairings change every year, friendships and bonds last a lifetime. The program is about developing relationships and weaving FIERCE in their social lives. Buddies participate in a variety of activities such as reading, visiting local theater productions, completing seasonal projects and crafts, and engaging in community service.
In the M2News elective, students learn different aspects of broadcast journalism while learning how to use equipment associated with production including video and sound equipment, Apple devices, and FinalCut Pro. After moving through and mastering the process of writing, producing, camera work, editing, and post production, the student crew produces content for the campus and community to view. Students have even been awarded 4 Student Educational Video Awards (SEVA) for their Public Service Announcement videos thanks to our supply of green screens, sound stages, and support from dedicated staff.
Integrating Tech

As an Apple Distinguished School, we believe technology enhances the educational experience by transforming teaching and learning across subjects and content areas. Our technology-rich environment empowers students to use presentation and videos to demonstrate learning, and allows them to work in new and innovative ways. Middle School students complete virtual labs and use iPad devices to measure, collect, and analyze data, taking an innovative approach to specimen dissection in a life science lab.

On any given day, students may be gathering data and creating charts on Numbers, linking QR codes to relevant research for their design thinking projects, or working in groups to study body systems for their educational health app.

Recording a performance with the green screen
3D printer
Mixing media with studio art
Creating a presentation