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messy fun outdoor preschool activities

Fun & Messy Activities to Do Outside This Summer

Take learning outdoors this summer with your child’s favorite messy items! Bubbles, paint and shaving cream can provide multi-sensory experiences that are fun and engaging. Below are four activities to try together this month. 1. Water Balloon Paint Mix ¾ water and ¼ washable paint in a squeeze bottle. Fill…
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5 Books to Read with Your Preschooler During National Reading Month

To kick off National Reading Month, our schools are celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on March 2 for a fun-filled day of literacy activities. Students will read and reenact their favorite books, write their own stories, and play dress up. Below are five age-appropriate books to continue the celebration with your…
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3 No-Bake Recipes to Make with Your Preschooler this Valentine’s Day

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your little one by making some easy, festive snacks together! Spending time in the kitchen is a great way to evoke your child’s senses and to practice counting, following instructions, measuring, and using sequence words and descriptive language. Below are three quick snacks that require no…
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