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It’s Summer Time

School is out!  Thank you to all the families that checked in on us, sent encouraging words and sent wonderful Teacher Appreciation Gifts. The drive by and honk on Teacher Appreciation Day was really fun.  A special thanks to all the families that supported us by participating in our Distance…
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January News

Happy New Year! We can’t wait to spend 2020 with you and your children. Thank you to all who participated in our holiday giving initiative last month. Our school participated both in the 94.1 Four Corners Food Drive with a total of $250.00 in cash and over 350 items to…
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November News

Dear Merryhill Families, What a wonderful month of October!  It started with our Fall Festival that was enjoyed by all families that attended. We had a great turn out! Hopefully, everyone had a chance to meet new people and form lifelong friendships.  Next up in our busy month I had…
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October Newsletter

What a great start to October!  We kick off this month with our annual Fall Festival.  This event is filled with fun, family and friends.  We hope everyone can attend and connect with other families.  October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  We will be gathering donations to help support…
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July Newsletter

Summer is off to a great start!  Splashing in the water and running through the sprinklers are just a few of the great things that are happening here at our school.  The children are having the opportunity to build lifelong friendships, problem solve and just have all the experiences connected…
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