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March Newsletter

Dear Merryhill Families, We are so excited to have so many of our families returning for our next school year.  If you have not re-enrolled your child now is the time.  Open enrollment to the community begins on Monday, March 5th at 7am.  Don’t forget, we offer our returning families…
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February News

Dear Families, We are so excited to kick off our new ALMA program that allows parents to pay tuition, print statements, make changes to paperwork and have access to their financial records.  If you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties please feel free to reach out to me…
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Posted in Alta Preschool | Comments closed

December Newsletter

Dear Families, So many exciting events will be happening in the month of December.  Keep an eye out for all the fun activities on our lobby TV, newsletters and the website calendar. We hope that everyone has a great holiday season and if you are traveling that all plans go…
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