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Building Your Child’s Sense of Family Belonging

Relationships with family members play an important role as children begin to develop a sense of self. When they feel a sense of identity and belonging within their own families, children are better able to grow emotionally, make friends, and appreciate and accept the diversity of others With Mother’s Day…
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Linking Learning with Nature

  Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Now is a great time for children to explore these environmental changes happening in the world around them. Not only are children curious about nature, but research shows that it has a profound…
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Introducing Your Preschooler to the Fascinating World of Non-Fiction

When you think about children’s books, you might envision princesses in castles, talking animals or a flying magic school bus. Although it’s fun to read these types of stories with your child, it’s important to also introduce him to non-fiction books. You may be surprised to learn that he’s fascinated…
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March Newsletter

Happy Spring to all of our Merryhill families. We appreciate the beautiful weather we’ve been enjoying and look forward to the many activities we will be able to engage your children in, outdoors. The first week of March will be fun and educational as we celebrate Dr. Suess. A week…
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