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October Newsletter

The Fall season is upon us and as this marks the beginning of the hectic holidays, we will make time at school to celebrate family and friends. On the school lunch menu when you see a light bulb, this indicates the day classes will have a kindness topic to discuss…
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Exploring Community Helpers & the Roles They Play

This month, our students are gaining a greater understanding of community helper occupations, such as police officers, mail carriers, medical professionals and firefighters. The children have a lot of fun imagining themselves in these important roles, and incorporating toy versions of the uniforms, equipment and vehicles that go with them….
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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! It’s so nice to see all the familiar and new faces of students and families. As students settle in to their new classrooms, I’d like to remind parents and families to stop by, email, or phone any time. The beginning of a new school year is…
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Developing Balance Skills in Young Children

Developing Balance Skills in Young Children From Tummy Time to Bike Riding Balance is a fundamental skill necessary for maintaining controlled positions, such as sitting in a chair, or engaging in physical activities like running or riding a bike. Having balance makes motor skill development easier, reduces the risk of…
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Reestablishing Routines for Your Preschooler

Reestablishing Routines for Your Preschooler Maintaining Order & Staying on Track As we reach the end of summer, now is a great time to reestablish comforting routines for your preschooler. Routines help children build self-confidence and independence, cope with transitions, and gain a better understanding of the world around them….
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