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Happy Spring to all of our Merryhill families. We appreciate the beautiful weather we’ve been enjoying and look forward to the many activities we will be able to engage your children in, outdoors. The first week of March will be fun and educational as we celebrate Dr. Suess. A week…
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Welcome to Fabulous February! I would like thank all of our families that took the time to fill out our parent survey online. Early Bird Registration for our current families has begun and will run through the month of February If you take advantage of registering during this time period,…
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It’s hard to believe that it is already December and the holiday season is here!  November went by way too quickly, especially with all the events and activities! We held our Fall Scholastic Book Fair and earned money for our school. Thanks to all the parents who participated! On Saturday,…
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November Newsletter

Dear Merryhill Families, Thank you for participating in the Fall Festival and Mad Science night in the month of October where the entire family learned and had fun together. Your support is truly appreciated. We had a great time with all the Halloween Festivities. In the month of November, your…
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October Newsletter

We have had a great start to our school year. October is going to be a fun and engaging month. Many classrooms are planning activities focusing on the changes we are seeing in our natural environment.  Be on the lookout for specific information, regarding your child’s classroom We will be…
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