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Message from the Principal – December Newsletter

Dear Merryhill Families December is a busy but exciting month for us at Merryhill. We talk about families, friends, love, giving and sharing. We celebrate different holidays and cultures. It is wonderful to be able to learn and appreciate our likenesses and differences. From our Merryhill Family to yours we…
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The “New” Back to School

It’s back to school and who knew it would look the way it does.  2020 has definitely thrown us a curve ball, but like baseball, we keep trying to hit it out of the park, or at least get some ground balls and doubles here and there.  Most of us…
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New Year, New Decade, New Things to Learn

I hope that everyone had a great New Year’s and is ready to be back with us in this new year.  This is a time of year where we start to see all of the wonderful changes in your little ones.  In the next couple months the second trimester will…
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Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Oh My it’s December!

It’s my favorite time of the year and so it is for any little one that celebrates special traditions at home from Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa to name a few.  We have many new families and would love to learn more about your traditions and other holidays that you may…
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Fall Festive October News

We have many fun things coming up in the month of October and lots of important dates to remember.  We are also trying out a new program for our newsletter, so please feel free to give us some feedback! Click on October Newsletter to see our new format. From our…
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