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Spectacular September News

Hello Merryhill families and welcome to a fabulous new school year. We have a couple of weeks under our belt now and I have to say, it has gone rather smoothly.  Some tears and apprehension with new teachers, new classrooms and for some, a brand new experience, but everyone is…
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July News

Our summer session is already half over and the heat has certainly arrived.  We are spending our days splashing in the water, enjoying snow cones, and participating in fun art and science activities, while trying to stay cool.  Our kindergarten through third grade students are having fun around our city…
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Jumping June News

Another school year has come and gone and summer is upon us.  We closed out the school year with graduations, celebrations, and tearful goodbyes.  I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the generous gifts and kind words of thanks and appreciation that I received from our wonderful parents.  I…
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Marvelous May News

Hello Merryhill Familes, April has come to an end.  We spent last month celebrating your children and their uniqueness, with special activities during the Week of the Young Child.  Rad Tad, from the City of Henderson aquatics, came to remind your children how they can stay safe around the water. …
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Amazing April News

Happy spring Merryhill families, Spring is in full swing.  The weather is gorgeous outside and we are certainly enjoying our outdoor time here at school.  Even our littlest ones are enjoying walks in the stroller and sunny day activities. As we said good-bye to March, we recap on some amazing…
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