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Marvelous March News

Happy spring Merryhill families. Only in Vegas can it be snowing one week and then 73 degrees the following.  It was such a nice surprise to see snow here but I am truly loving this warmer spring weather. Last month brought valentines and Superbowl parties.  A great big thank you…
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Fabulous February News

Hello Merryhill Families. Our school year will be over before you know it.  We only have 4 months left before our summer session begins. Registration for the fall 2019-2020 school year is well underway.  If you have not turned in your priority registration information to reserve your child’s spot, I…
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New Year’s News

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and are ready to jump into the new year.  We will be completing our second trimester assessments and sending those home in February, and then turning the corner to complete the final trimester of the school year.  Time…
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Dynamic December

Welcome Winter!  The cooler weather has finally arrived and 2018 is coming to an end.  Our school has endured a lot of changes this year.  We have endured a flood, said goodbye to some wonderful team members, and hello to many new faces.  We welcome 2019 and all of the…
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Nautical November News

Happy November Merryhill Families. We are entering a very busy time of year, with a lot of fun activities and ways for you to get involved.  Please note the following dates on your calendar: Friday, November 2nd=Fun Friday–Cafe Rio Monday, November 5th=Our annual Food Drive begins today and runs through…
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