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December Newsletter

Dear Merryhill Families, Thank you all for participating in our Thanksgiving activities last month. We collected over 2,000 food items to donate to HELP of Southern Nevada. Classrooms celebrated Thanksgiving in their classrooms as they enjoyed a variety of feasts such as “Friends-giving” and a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. December will…
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November Newsletter

Thank you to all of our families for your participation in our October activities such as Community Helper Month speakers and our annual Trunk ‘r’ Treat. The children had a great time trick or treating around to the different cars! November brings lessons on thankfulness. We will show our military…
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October Newsletter

Fall is a great time to build traditions and make memories! We are looking forward to building upon our Links to Learning curriculum with special activities planned school wide. It is also a great time to go through your child’s cubby and ensure they have the items needed to comfortably…
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September Newsletter

Welcome back to school! We have had a successful first few weeks of school and we look forward to great things to come for this school year. I would love to hear your feedback! Stop in to see me, email, or call! September will be a busy and exciting month….
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August Newsletter

I hope everyone has had a summer full of creating memories with family and friends. The new school year is quickly approaching and your Merryhill teachers and I are excited to see everyone on the first day of school on August 14, 2017. We will be closed during the week…
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