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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: Fall is in the air, and I can’t believe it is already October, this is my favorite times of year, as you watch the leaves change and the weather get cooler.  This month the children are on look out for all the ghost and…
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Posted in Elk Grove - Calvine Preschool | Comments closed


NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK: As Summer comes to an end, the children are excited to see the changing of seasons.  We would like to welcome all the new families who have joined us this past month, we look forward to creating and experiencing memories with your children and family. …
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Posted in Elk Grove - Calvine Preschool | Comments closed


NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  We would like to welcome all the new families that have joined us this past month, we look forward to getting to know your family and creating wonderful memories here at the Calvine Campus.  We would also like to thank the families who helped make…
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Posted in Elk Grove - Calvine Preschool | Comments closed


NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  We would like to welcome everyone to the 2019-2020 school year here at Merryhill Calvine.   We are excited to create milestones and share memories with all the children and their families.  If you are not aware we have a wonderful events board in the lobby…
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Posted in Elk Grove - Calvine Preschool | Comments closed


A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: I can’t believe the school year is coming to an end.  I want to take this moment and thank all our wonderful Calvine Families for making the 2018-2019 school year such a huge success.  To see the children grow as much as they did…
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Posted in Elk Grove - Calvine Preschool | Comments closed