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A NOTE FROM THE PRINICIPAL’S DESK:  Tis the season!  I can’t believe it is already the Christmas Season.  I love watching the children get ready for the holiday season as they come in singing Christmas carols and “Believing” in the spirit of the holiday. We would like to thank all…
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News from the Prinicpal’s Desk:  This month we look back and reflect on all the things we are thankful for, I am thankful for the wonderful Merryhill Families that I am able to share this holiday season with, as well as my wonderful staff.   So from our families to…
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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK: Fall is in the air, and I can’t believe it is already October, this is my favorite times of year, as you watch the leaves change and the weather get cooler.  This month the children are on look out for all the ghost and…
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MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: Fall is coming upon us.  The children are enjoying going outside and enjoying the cooler mornings.  This month brings lots of activities, we will be kicking it off with our annual Grandparents Celebration September 7th at 10:00 am, the Sacramento Banjo Band will be here…
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Summer is in full swing…. We would like to welcome all the new families that joined us this month.  We hope your child and family are feeling right at home and beginning to make some wonderful memories.   This summer the children “Our on their Way” to many wonderful adventures. …
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