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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  We hope that you all had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday with your loved ones, filled with laughs and lots of memories. As the Winter holidays approach, we have many special activities planned for our students and look forward to spending the season…
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November News

A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I hope you and your family enjoyed the Fall Festival it was such a huge success, and we can’t thank you enough for your coming and making it filled with such great memories.  We could not have done it  without you! November is filled with special…
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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: We are so excited that Fall has finally arrived, and the children are enjoying going outside to start watching the leaves change colors and also the crispy morning air.  We have so many events and activities planned for this month and look forward to…
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NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:  As Summer comes to an end we are getting ready for an amazing school year.  We would like to welcome all the new families to our school.  We are excited to starting bringing back school events and activities.  We will start them off with our celebration…
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A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK:   With summer coming to an end and the children enjoying their new classrooms, making new friends and enjoying all the summer activities.  This month we will be celebrating the end of summer with a LUAU.  We have lots of fun things planned for the…
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