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January News

News from the office… We are looking forward to welcoming 2021 with open arms.  2020 brought new challenges that we never could have imagined however, as I was looking back I realized… I am a little more tech savy than I was a year ago It was confirmed that we…
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December News

Dear Parents, This year, more than ever, it is great to reflect upon what we are Thankful for. These last months have been very challenging and I think it is so easy for us to forget about the many good things around us. To begin with, I am very thankful…
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November News

Dear Parents, Let me start by sending out huge thanks for all that you did to help make Halloween a very special week for our children here at the Park City Merryhill School.  You were all very generous with items for the children’s parties and for the donations for our…
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From the Principal

October is here and we are excited to continue our learning about the Fall Season and all the activities that we have planned.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to host our annual Trunk or Treat event this year due to COVID restrictions, but we promise a good time during…
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September News

Dear Families, It’s September…How did that happen? September is the beginning of my favorite season – I love that Fall is coming and all the festivities that follow. I know that this year may look a little different, but we are busy working behind the scenes to make sure the…
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