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March Newsletter

A Note from Our Principal  March is upon us! We are excited to watch Spring arrive! February was a great month at our school! We held several family events and truly appreciate all those who participated. In anticipation of spring, our teachers are busy planning meaningful learning activities that will…
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February Newsletter

A Note from Our Principal The year is off to a great start and we’re enjoying spending the winter season with you and your children. Valentine’s day is fast approaching and that means fun parties, celebrating friendship and love. We would like you to know that we are so grateful…
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January Newsletter

A Note from Our Principal  Happy New Year! We can’t wait to spend 2024 with you and your children. We would like to express our profound gratitude to all of you for the warm thoughts and gestures, kind words, loving cards, and thoughtful gifts that the preschool staff received during…
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December Newsletter

A Note from Our Principal Hello Merryhill Families, We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The children had so much fun celebrating Friendship Feast last month. As the winter season approaches, we are filled with excitement for the festivities ahead. We believe in creating a nurturing environment that celebrates…
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